3 Email List Segments That Help Maximize Your Inbound Marketing

Is your email list building strategy part of your inbound marketing?

It should be.

Email is a separate inbound marketing channel and more effective channel for lead nurturing. Your inbound marketing strategy encompasses lead generation, nurturing, and conversion. So, how good are your email lists?

Don’t just spray and pray — blasting emails and hoping your subscribers love it. Instead, if you segment your list using these three categories, you will almost immediately see an increase in the conversion rate, an inbound marketing goal. [Read more…]

Lead Nurturing Tips from HubSpot’s Best Practices

If you’re like most marketers, you’re always looking for ways to improve the value of your lead generation efforts. While there are a variety of ways to do this, one of the most effective approaches is to nurture leads until they’re ready to buy. And the more refined your approach is to nurturing the prospects already in your pipeline, the better your results.

But if you’re new to the concept, building an effective lead nurturing program can be difficult. In a recent SoftwareAdvice.com article, Jeffrey Russo-Product Marketing Manager at HubSpot-shared four best practices that HubSpot uses to nurture their leads internally. Here’s a look at some of their tips.

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Lead Nurturing: Your Online Marketing Secret Weapon

Nurture and believe

On this blog, we talk a lot about generating new traffic to your business’ Web site and converting that traffic into qualified leads that help your business grow.

But we haven’t talked much – yet – about what to do once you’ve got those leads. How do you use Internet marketing to help progressively introduce those leads to the value that your product or service provides and to support them towards deciding to buy from you?

That’s what we’re going to talk about today.

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