Posts tagged: digital marketing

4 Bad Habits That Are Killing Your Internet Marketing Efforts

Who’s taking care of your Internet marketing? You?

It’s nice to be proactive, but keep an eye out for some bad habits that might develop when managing your Internet marketing activities.

We’ve identified a few bad habits below. If you’re guilty of any of these, it’s worth it to get them corrected. Or find some help.

Avoid the 4 Deadly Internet marketing bad habits

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5 Reasons For Inbound Marketing To Your Current Customers

Inbound marketing isn’t just a great tool for closing new leads into actual conversions, it’s also perfect for maintaining a relationship with your current customer base with the aim of eventually getting them back into your sales cycle.

If you’ve never considered that before, you might want to ensure it now. After all, inbound marketing to your current customers will help in the following ways: Repeat Business, Continuous Lead Nurturing, Brand Positioning, Monitoring Sentiment and Edge over the Competition.


Repeat Business

It’s called a sales cycle. To maximize the return on the investment of setting up the infrastructure that makes it possible, it should be a recursive cycle of repeat business. It’s the most fundamental reason why you should perform inbound marketing on current customers, and it’s also the most practical.

Just because your customers have finished one cycle doesn’t mean you can’t invest resources on increasing their customer lifetime value. In fact, you’ll find that it’s easier and more affordable to increase CLV through inbound marketing to encourage repeat business than it is to close a new lead.
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Toronto: A Hotbed for Internet Marketing

We’ve known for along time that Toronto is truly a hotbed for internet marketing activity. What’s our social proof? The numerous internet marketing related conferences that are showcased in the city annually. From hardware to software; digital graphics to analytics; social to online marketing - there’s a conference for cover every aspect of digital marketing.  In May alone, there are three important conferences. We’ve checked out the websites and decided to share some of  the highlights. Is one in particular our favourite? We recommend them all - because there’s something for everyone.

Image Courtesy: mesh13

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Infographics: A Great Tool for Generating Leads…If You Know What You’re Doing

The infographic is a misunderstood creature. On the one hand, its viral potential is huge – it’s a data-packed, visually appealing representation of information. On the other hand, few know how to leverage its viral potential and ROI.

Ask content marketing firms in Toronto or anywhere else, and they’ll say infographics are ideal tools in their repertoire, but only the best agencies know exactly how to make the most of them.

Infographics As a Lead Generation Tool

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Drive Traffic to your Landing Page with Great CTAS

When you want your target audience to click a button, subscribe via email, or purchase an item, what do you do? You call them to action. In inbound marketing, what you use is a call to action (CTA) element. ‘Click Here’ is probably the most generic CTA.

CTAs are designed to drive traffic from one part of the web to another – usually a landing page. These elements are typically graphical: buttons, images, and other interactive links. The text within these graphical elements however are also part of the CTA.  While CTAs lead to both mirco- and macro-conversions, the most effective CTAs are used for macro-conversions that impact the bottom-line, such as lead data capture or actual closed sales.

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3 Ways Online Content Marketing Can Do More to Increase Sales

Regardless of how popular a particular trend becomes, if you can’t leverage it to bolster your bottom-line, it’s simply not worth the investment. Take content marketing for instance.

Businesses understand that content marketing is a potentially powerful strategic digital advertising investment because of how it builds audience connections – what they don’t understand is exactly how it impacts their bottom-line. It would be disastrous to invest in an all-out content creation and development strategy without guaranteed returns. How content influences sales would differ from business to business, but to give you an idea of what to expect, here are three ways online content can do more to increase your sales:
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How to Create Awesome Content

What is one of the most effective ways to keep visitors returning to your website? Fresh content. Yet, why is web so full of stale and outdated content? The main reason is the –mistaken- idea that producing awesome content requires some magical and unobtainable formula. Not so. You can create website marketing pieces that resonate with readers, and accomplishes your purpose, by understanding how the content marketing process works. Consider these steps to crafting first-rate content.

Know your reader

One imperative for content creation is making a composite customer, or “persona”. That persona will serve to remind you who you’re targeting, in a tangible way. You’ll learn what their interests are, about their buying cycle, and what motivates them. There are online templates available to assist in shaping a persona. By asking questions about who the targeted reader is, how they live, and what they desire in life, a persona is fashioned. Understanding their narrative helps you produce content that is appealing and meaningful to them. Remember that your persona represents your target customer.
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Looking for an Inbound Marketing Agency? 3 Things to Consider

How savvy are you when it comes to knowing how to vet and evaluate a marketing agency? As these companies proliferate, it’s important to empower yourself with knowledge as you go through the process of determining who to partner with.

Consider these three important offerings when deciding on an inbound marketing company.
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5 Ways to Identify a Cutting-Edge Marketing Company

The ideal marketing company is a combination of core competence and innovation — never afraid to head in the direction of constructive change through a constant process of measuring, testing, tweaking, and evolution. The problem is how to find the best digital agency for your business.

To help you in your search, keep in mind that a successful, cutting-edge marketing company knows:

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What colour is your website? Choosing the right colours can make a difference

In the online world, design is everything and your looks mean something. The first thing a user notices about a website are its colours, layout, and elements like logos and fonts. All of these design principles set a tone for the website and its function and user judgement is almost instantaneous.

While you may be, understandably, focused on your content and social media strategy, it can be easy to let some design and colour scheme flaws slip under the radar. Now it’s time to pay special attention to the colours you are using and ask yourself if they’re conveying your desired message.

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