5 Ways to Revive Your Old Content

Content is king, but what if the king is aged? Fresh, high quality content is always a must, but should your old content never see the light of day again when their time in the spotlight is over?

From the ashes of old content can rise fresh, relevant, high quality, and even timely new content for your inbound marketing – you just have to know how:

Re-link for Relevant Link Juice

Internal cross-linking is a plus (well, unless you do it too much), so always keep an eye out for ways to link to your old, relevant, high quality content from new ones. This way, you help boost your own Pagerank by lending the old piece of content part of the link juice the new content will develop, which is a snowball process that helps bolster overall website visibility.

Repurpose for a Different Use

Old content can be recycled through repurposing: simply take the thesis message of an old piece of content and use it with a different marketing message, or in conjunction with a new, relevant subject matter. For instance, you have a blog post that talks about old events in inbound marketing Toronto conventions, you may want to repurpose them for new events. If you’ve covered Panda 3.0 before, you have a lot of chances to repurpose content for the Panda 4.0 update that’s currently trending, hitching on keyword ranking with comparatively little effort.

You can go beyond the same niche too. Let’s say you have an article about web design for user experience. You can take important details from it and use it for an article on SEO in web design. Watch out for duplicate copy though – that’s the main hurdle for repurposing.

Redesign for Updates

Freshness is a volatile factor due to timeliness, but its importance cannot be underestimated. Old content that deserves updates should be updated, perhaps jazzed up with new images and styles. In fact, you can take several updates on a single subject matter and collate them into a timeline piece, a piece of constantly updating content that collects all the individual updates you already have – that webpage alone will be as fresh as the newest update you create (plus the linking always helps).

Repackage and “Pillarize”

Like creating a timeline piece from several relevant updates, you can repackage content to become a content “pillar” –Pillarize what content you can. Take blog posts talking about different facets of a certain subject matter and package them into an ebook. Collect short case studies published in your blog and turn them into an in-depth white paper. Now that you have content pillars as foundations, you can shape distribution campaigns around them, like email lead nurturing efforts and social media blasts. Redistribute through Different Channels

Google isn’t the only inbound marketing channel that loves fresh content. Other channels like social media also rely on fresh, timely content – Facebook for instance, though it has already officially retired its EdgeRank algorithm, still retains time decay as an important factor to consider when showing users updates in their Feeds. The same goes for any channel of inbound marketing you use.

So go ahead and take some of the repackaged pillars you created and redistribute them. With a little ingenuity, you can get more from your content marketing. Always consider what you can re-link to, repurpose, redesign, repackage, and redistribute.
Image Courtesy: Buzzinn.net

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  • Marni Mandell

    Thanks for the great read! I’d love you to try out Roojoom to help you repurpose old content in fresh and interesting ways. Let me know if I can answer any questions for you.